
Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Dad, Daddy, Father, Pop - This is for you.

Dads, Daddies, Fathers, Pops. The names vary by country, region, or even decade. The men the names represent, however, are universal.

Not in occupation. Some are story-tellers; some work with their hands; some mold lives as teachers.

Not in recreation. Some coach sports; some create; some fish.

Not in life. Some are single-parents; some struggle just to make ends meet; some have the house with a white-picket fence and two-car garage.

They are alike in the ways that matter, though. They're our rocks, defenders; our biggest fans. They worry, scold, and encourage us.

I am lucky to have a wonderful dad and to count other wonderul fathers as friends.

To celebrate these great men I made this Rit Dye Stained Tool Box. Find all the details in the Rit Studio here.

**This post was sponsored by Rit Dye**

Linking up with:
Crafty Allie
The Walker Fireside Chats
WW Square 250
Dolen Diaries

Put A Bird On It


  1. LOVE this idea! It came out awesome. Heading over to the RIT studio to check out the details!

  2. I love the way your crate looks. This is a great gift idea for Father's Day and I love that it is customized.

  3. Thanks! You can definitely customize this any way you wanted

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you! My dad got it early since I had to use his tools for the photos!!

  5. What a cute idea! It turned out great!

    Becky @ bybmg

  6. This is one of the most unique Father's Day gifts I've seen! Thanks for much for sharing with us at Hump Day Happenings : )

  7. FYI, I am putting this on my Father's Day Gift Ideas. It will be linked back to you. It goes live on Friday.


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