
Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Silhouette Sketching

Today is a blah, headachy kind of day for me. You know that kind of day, right? I'm totally unmotivated to do even the smallest things. So rather than a tutorial, I thought I would just share with you a few sketches I have done while playing around with my Silhouette Cameo.

While I consider myself creative, I am not particularly artistic. My drawing abilities are along the lines of a preschooler. To have the ability to "draw" whatever I want using the Silhouette makes me supremely happy.

I decided to jump right in and try layered sketches using multiple colors on this first picture. Thanks to Melissa from the Silhouette School blog (check her out people, she rocks!!) I was able to fill in the sketch somewhat instead of it just being a single outline. I chose designs I had in my library, sized them to fit my paper, and let the creative juices flow.

This second sketch is for my bedroom. I have several dress designs I plan to use and hang in a group on the wall.

These next two sketches are for my nieces. They'll love them!!


And this last one is for my dad. Shhh! Don't tell!!

linking up with:

Crafty Allie

WW Square 250


  1. Good stuff. If that's how you create when you're unmotivated, we all have some work to do. I won't tell your dad a thing.

  2. so cute
    like you i am creative, but can't draw a round circle

    1. That natural artistic ability is really overrated anyway, right??!!

  3. I love these! I was just thinking of making something similar for my husband with my vows for our first anniversary!

  4. Great idea! I like the one for your Dad the best. But that is probably because I am partial to fudge :)

  5. These are so cute! And you are a fabulous crafter!! I think my daughter would like one of these crafting tools - may be a good Christmas gift! Susan

    1. Amazon has good bundle deals on them. Check them out when you're ready


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