
Monday, May 26, 2014

Enjoying the Ride (and Photobombing)

Enjoy the ride. We hear that a lot, but what does it mean?

What is the ride? I see it as our journey through life. We maneuver through the twists and bumps along the path. For some, it's straight and even. For others, it's a roller coaster of ups and downs. For most, it's a combination.

But, do we enjoy it? Do we savor the journey? Do we appreciate our spot on the map right now, or do we crane our necks to see around the next turn?

struggle with this. It’s not wrong to have goals and work hard to reach them. But sometimes you need to take your eyes off the horizon and look in other directions. Left, right, behind you.

Think about Highway Hypnosis. I learned about this in Driver's Ed years ago. You arrive at your destination, but don't remember the drive. We do this with life as well. All of a sudden, we're 70. What happened to all those years? Did we miss them as we did the scenery on that drive?

I’ll make a conscious effort to enjoy the ride. To not wish away today because tomorrow might be more exciting. Today could hold something beautiful. I don't want to miss out on that one moment of time I can never have back.

(Thanks, EJP, for being my editing partner in crime!)

On a recent trip to an antique mall I found this 1983 Map of the Deep South.

Using the glass from a frame I bought at Michael's, I decided what section of the map I wanted to use then traced and cut it out. Then I glued it to a large, thick sheet of paper.

I used my Silhouette Cameo to cut the phrase and bicycle out of black cardstock.

I used Mod Podge to glue the phrase and shape onto the map. After it was dry, I inserted it in the frame.

I had a little photobomber while taking the pictures...

He's a pretty cute one though!!!

Linking up with:


TPB Party Bunch Link Up... Every Friday to Sunday link up your projects over at , , or Four bloggers = ONE BIG PARTY! We can't wait to see your projects!

The Walker Fireside Chats

WW Square 250

Dolen Diaries

Lil Mrs Tori



  1. Wise words, so true! Love the old map and that pic of your cute puppy :)

  2. I love this idea, and your photobomber is too cute! :) If you have a minute, please stop by Snickerdoodle Sunday and share this!

  3. What a well written post. And such wise words! Also, another fabulous DIY!

  4. What an adorable photo bomber : ) Your words really resonate with me right now. I am trying hard to enjoy my remaining moments in Texas before my husband Jared and I move to Florida. It's not that I dread moving to Florida, because I think I will really love it there. I just want to savor all the wonderful things I love so very much about my home state. Beautiful!

  5. Gotta love the puppy helper! Great tutorial! Saw your link on SITS girls, and also saw this on Pinterest this morning!

  6. I am helping a friend with a party and using this theme... do you still have the silhouette cameo file??? I'd love to make one of these!!! If you do, please email it to


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