
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

DIY Flip-flop Wreath

My sister, the craft-goddess, is really talented. She is a mom of two super-awesome girls (I'm not the least bit prejudiced!!) and a teacher, so her creative juices are constantly flowing. A while back she made some wreaths out of flip-flops, silk flowers, and a large wooden letter. Of course, when I saw them I went crazy over them and knew I had to share what she had done.

Here is the one she made for her house:

Such a fun, fresh concept. Can't you just smell chicken on the grill and freshly mown grass?

Here is one she made for her friend:

I also love this one... Despite the fact that it is Gator colors. I'm pretty sure she mentioned something about it burning her fingers as she made it. We won't hold it against her friend though. This just goes to show my sister can make anything beautiful!!

Here is the last one. A slightly different take than the others:

Below is a list of supplies for making a  flip-flop wreath for yourself.

The basic materials include a wreath base, flip-flops (she got all of hers at Dollar Tree), silk flowers, rhinestones, glitter, wooden letters, and hot glue. From there it is completely up to your imagination! There are so many different ways you could arrange and decorate this wreath. So get your creative juices flowing and make one for yourself or a friend (or a SUPER-AWESOME sister!!)

*** Has anyone noticed how many times I used super in this post??? Super-crazy...***


  1. I've seen these on Pinterest and thought they were adorable, especially since i live in a beach town.. Your sister did a great job and funny how different they each look!!!

    1. That's what I love about them. Totally customizable :-)

  2. what a sweet idea! and they make me think of summer, which is never a bad thing!

    1. Yes!! Can you tell I'm ready for Winter to be over??!! :-)

  3. Oh my gosh - HOW CUTE! I really love the first one with all the bright, fun colors!

    1. I think they're fun!! And you can customize so many ways

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